ACEOs,ATCs and Miniature Paintings : The Pocket Art

What are ATCs? (Artist Trading Cards)
Artist Trading Cards are small playing-card-sized works of art that are meant to be traded with other artists. During the Impressionist Age, artists traded art cards among themselves to study each others’ styles and techniques. They also traded or sold art cards for supplies, food, and lodging.
Among certain art and crafts movements, ATCs are about exchanging art without exchanging money, and without interference from the business side of the art world. Artists can trade their cards in face-to-face trading sessions as well as via mail. ATC’s were never meant for sale, and were created to give to other artists for inspiration. Cards are produced in various media, including pencils, pens, markers, watercolour, and acrylic paint.

What are ACEOs? (Art Cards Editions and Originals)
ACEOs stands for “Art Cards Editions and Originals”. They are small, original works of art, that are released as either one off pieces, or editions. They must be 2.5 x 3.5 inches. This standard size is widely recognised by collectors. Any sizes larger or smaller would not qualify as an ACEO. The artwork should include the artist’s details on the reverse and be an original art piece.
Other information on the back could be, title or name of the artwork, medium, limited edition number and date of completion. I personally favor ACEO’s completed using acrylic paints or water colour. Some artwork listed as ACEO are actually a limited edition print.

What are Miniature Paintings and Drawings?
Miniature Paintings are same as ACEOs except for the size of the art piece. This mini drawings or paintings are original art piece. They are highly collectable and an affordable way to collect original artwork. They can be collected, traded, used in journals and scrapbooks or just as a treat to enjoy.

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